
A Journey from Belarus to Marbella: Honoring a Father's Legacy

The Fisherman’s Daughter isn’t just about food; it’s about family, adventure, and a heartfelt tribute to the enduring bond between a father and daughter, their shared love for the sea, and a journey that spans continents..

Early Memories in Belarus..

The story begins in the serene landscapes of Belarus, where the waters of the rivers and lakes first introduced You to the joy of fishing. As a young child, Your father would take You on fishing trips, teaching You the patience and skills required to catch fish. These trips were more than just a pastime; they were a treasured father-daughter tradition, filled with laughter, learning, and a deep connection to nature.

A New Adventure in New York!

When Your family moved to New York, the fishing adventures didn't end. Your father, carrying his passion across the ocean, bought a fishing boat as one of his first endeavors in Your new homeland. The bustling cityscape of New York may have been a world away from the tranquil waters of Belarus, but out on the boat, it felt just like home. Together, you explored the waters around Manhattan, Brooklyn and Long Island, creating new memories and strengthening the bond forged on those early fishing trips.

Opening in Marbella: A Tribute to Tradition and Family

Now, in Marbella, You are far from Your family, but closer to the sea that always called to you.. The Fisherman’s Daughter is born from Your desire to honor Your father's legacy and share the joy of those fishing adventures with others. Every detail of the place reflects Your personal journey and the stories your father passed down, from the rustic décor reminiscent of fishing boats to the fresh, locally sourced seafood that echoes the catches you used to bring home together.

A Celebration of Seafood and Stories

At The Fisherman’s Daughter, every dish tells a story. The menu is inspired by the waters you and your father fished in, combining the flavors of Belarus, New York, and the Mediterranean. The bar aims to be a place where people can gather to enjoy not just exceptional seafood, but also a sense of community and shared heritage. It's a space where the past and present meet, celebrating the timeless joy of fishing and the familial bonds it strengthens.

Whether you come to enjoy a meal or simply to listen to tales of the sea, you'll find a warm welcome and a tribute to the traditions that connect us across distances and generations..


Aliah Zihni

Naomi Rhee
Executive Chef

Edric Coates
General Manager

Riley Schwartz


Kipp Harbor Times


Nameless Paper